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  • What can you remove from your life to improve it’s quality?

What can you remove from your life to improve it’s quality?

A few things to reflect on

Parenting is a journey that never ends, make time for yourself. Accept as much help as you can find, but make sure they are people you can trust.
Give them back to God, you can not do it on your own. Parenting and motherhood is a ministry or should I say a call on its own. Challenge yourself to please your maker with the talents (children) he has placed in your care; they are first His before they are yours.

Oluwatomi Adewumi-John on Umi Spotlight

New mums should never compare their children to other kids. Every child is unique in their own way. Also, take time to rest even when breastfeeding. No matter how busy you are, breastfeed your baby for at least one year. It will prevent cancer of the breast for you and increase the productivity of your child.

Ifeoluwa Bukola-Effiong on Umi Spotlight

One thing to ask yourself

What can I remove from my life to improve it’s quality? You know things could be better than they already are for you and your family? But you are still holding on to some traits, habits, things and people that have been setting you back. This is your reminder to name it and to take active steps to let those go.

For me, I know I probably will get a lot more done if I am not on social media as often as I am. I am working on it, seriously. What about you? What is it you need to let go to improve the quality of your life?

I always read your mails. Tell me.

One thing to try this weekend

This weekend, check up on your mum. If you live nearby, pay them a visit, send me a mail to send you questions for the Umi Grandma spotlight and ask your mum those questions. Then send me her responses and we will feature her the weekend of International Women’s Day.

Our mums are our gems of wisdom. They taught you a lot of what constitute who you are today. So, let’s celebrate them for you. And hey, it doesn’t have to be your biological mum alone. I have five mums (I am blessed, seriously) whom I love so dearly. They have taught me a lot of the values that I live by now. So, I get if you have other mums who you respect and would love us to feature. Send me a mail, I will send you further details as well as the questions.

I will be expecting to read your mail.

Enjoy your weekend.


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