Reflecting on friendship...

This week, I am reflecting on ‘Friendship’ and what it means to me. As I have always encouraged, everyone needs a "village", especially mums. Humans are not designed to function alone. We are totally interdependent. And that's a beautiful things.

Outside of the relationship you have with everyone else in your "village", friendship is one special bond. I do not even know how to define how special the bond is. It is a different level of responsibility; showing up, being vulnerable, being honest, accountable and giving permission to this person or group of people to be in your life. It goes beyond marriage. It is a commitment; a give and take that forces you to take a hard look at yourself periodically.

This is the reason you should choose your friends intentionally. If you have the right friend(s), they constantly watch for your interest. Because they know who you are at your core. Based on our reflections last Saturday, your friends help you to truly care for yourself. You are constantly going to fuel one another. They constantly put the spotlight on you so that you are not subsumed under the weight of the so many responsibilities that you have.

When you do not feel like it, your friends hold you up. My friends have been there for me in situations that I have never even mentioned to my family members. We can cry on one another’s shoulder, laugh out loud together, build prayer altars together, and have honest conversations. With my friends, I am assured of the most honest truth when I'm accomplishing things and when I am not up to par. They show up for my family and I show up for theirs. We bear each others' burdens.

We truly do life together. We are also winning together. I truly believe in women supporting women. I was raised and I am still being nurtured by some amazing mums, I am surrounded by super amazing and hovering sisters and aunties, and I am loved by some gorgeous friends. It is the reason I do a great job as a mum to my kid; I have lots of help from these hosts of women.

And this is the basis for Umi mentorship program; for you to constantly be reminded to surround yourself with an intentional community of mothers, women and friends who hold your hand as you thrive in your careers, as a mum and in life.


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