What's one underrated thing about you?

A few things to reflect on

My instinct is to protect my children from pain. But adversity is often the thing that gives us character and backbone. It's always been a struggle for me to back off and let my children go through difficult experiences.

Nicole Kidman on Oprah.com

Sometimes we try to protect our children so much that when something doesn't go right in their lives, they're unprepared to deal with adversity. I don't think that does our kids any favors.

Taraji P.Henson on Redbook.mag.com

One thing to ask yourself

What’s one underrated thing about me? It could be a skill, or a quality or anything. Something that you do so well, but you don’t really think much about. My husband called my attention to mine just today. Anyone who is close to me would have had me say that I am not very adventurous. I enjoy routine so much. But since I got married and especially after I had my girl, I have become very adventurous with food. I am a proud student of the YouTube university where I daily learn new recipes that I try for myself and my family. And the experience have been quite interesting. So, maybe I should start rating myself as adventurous, right?

You never know. That underrated quality might be what would become your big deal tomorrow. So, how about you acknowledge it. So, what is it?

One thing to try this weekend

Join us to celebrate International Women’s Day 2024 as we host a webinar on the future of work this evening. It would be worth your time.

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Topic: Umi's IWD 2024 webinar
Time: Mar 9, 2024 06:00 PM Africa/Brazzaville

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