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- Older mum of newborn kids/toddlers
Older mum of newborn kids/toddlers

Lately, I have been chatting with mums who had their kids in their 40s. What's common in those conversations are the difference in time/era and how to stay alive to see the kids be all that they can be.
I agree with the difference in time. What used to be a trend or what usually works for parents 40-20 years ago no longer work with raising kids in this generation. Some things that parents could get away with in those days may be considered a punishable offence under the law in this generation. So, it really can be scary how to keep these kids alive, and also train them into well adjusted kids.
Also, because it took a while to have the kids, there's usually the fear of not living to see them grow up to be their own person. Those are real worries of older parents of newborns/toddler.
Well, you should note these:
Do not compromise on values. I know times are changing and you may feel old-school. But values should remain constant. Don't change that.
Learn new ways to impart. As long as you are open to always learning new ways to train your kids, you will be fine.
Have fun with it. Let loose with the kids once in a while. I know parenting in those days was all about teachable moments. Don't do that. Sometimes, just let loose with them. These kids are wise. They pick up on things. And you will probably get their attention after having a fun time with them.
Enroll them in schools and activities that blends conventional trainings with new age techniques. That way, someone else reiterating your values while also teaching them in a way that they would understand.
Keep fit and eat healthy. You will need to prioritise your health at this point. Those kids need you alive and staying healthy is a way to ensure you remain here to see them be all that they are meant to be. Take your health seriously.
Parenting has no timeline. When you get to be a parent is your time. And God only knows for how long each of us get to be here. We just do our best and leave the rest to him.