How did you wean your kid(s)?

Response to a question from one Umi Mama

A few things to reflect on

Motherhood is a choice you make everyday, to put someone else’s happiness and well-being ahead of your own, to teach the hard lessons, to do the right thing even when you’re not sure what the right thing is ... and to forgive yourself, over and over again, for doing everything wrong.

Be a full person. Motherhood is a glorious gift, but do not define yourself solely by motherhood. Be a full person. Your child will benefit from that.

One thing that we would like to know

How did you wean your kid(s)?

Well, this is for one of the mums in our community who is finding it a bit difficult to wean her 18 months old. I thought we could all weigh in.

For me, I did it gradually. Two weeks to weaning her, I had reduced breastfeeding her to nights only. I made sure she was not hungry during the day, though. There was always cereal, puree, food, and snacks. And I had access to a nanny at the time who would take her away from me, ensure she was fed and play with her so that I could focus on work. A week after her first birthday, she stopped wanting to breastfeed. She was done. And I was very glad. That’s how I did mine.

How were you able to do it? Please help this mum. She has tried putting ‘bitter oil’ on her nipple, but her kid is very intelligent (he just wipes it off and gets down to business). So, over to you. What did you do that you think can help this mum wean her 18 months old off breastmilk?

One thing to do this weekend

How about we read something together this weekend? I found this article in New York Times about “The Birth of a Mother” a beautiful read. (If you experience any trouble reading it, reply this email and we’ll send you a copy). It provides so much perspectives into this journey of motherhood. I think you will love it. You could even share your thoughts on it with us or another mum when you are done.

Enjoy your weekend!


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