Breastfeeding and all its nuances

The breastfeeding journey is a beautiful one. There are so many things to learn and understand about it. Paediatricians have found some information on the benefits fir both mothers and babies as well as how to overcome the difficulties that comes with it.

On pumping and proper storage of breast milk, Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has some advice.

Here are some dietary recommendations for mothers.

What I have found most interesting are the other ways to use breastmilk for the benefit of our babies other than for feeding.

I think it is also important for us to know that formula feeding is safe. So, if you need to augment breastfeeding with formula feeding, experts have said that it does not in any way impede your baby’ growth. Therefore, stop beating yourselves up and make sure your baby is healthy.

You are doing a great job, Umi.


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